Not sure where to start? Check out our below guide with tips and tricks to transform your garden or outdoor space into your very own outdoor cinema.

Step 1: Hang a large white sheet

This can be anything from a bed sheet to an actual projection sheet, but either way make sure it’s nice and big to get the best effect. Top tip: Washing lines can be perfect to hang your sheet onto with a few pegs and little fuss. But secure to the ground as well in case of a breeze. 

Step 2: Connect your projector

You can find them readily available online for an affordable amount. You can even find mobile phone projectors like this one which makes watching videos and films even easier. Remember, you often need a power supply so popping the projector facing from a window next to the garden is often the best solution.

Step 3: Get some comfy cushions

And make sure they’re really comfy. Bean bags mean you can even socially distance if you have some friends over too.

Step 4: Make some popcorn on the BBQ

Looking for a sweet treat in the evening to wind down after a BBQ in the afternoon? Well, grab some Bacofoil Original Foil, oil and some popping corn and head over to your BBQ as it cools down from the afternoon.


  1. Take a square of Bacofoil Original foil 
  2. Place two tablespoons of oil and around 150g of popping corn on top
  3. Fold the foil into a loose parcel, seal the edges and shake well.
  4. Place onto the BBQ as it begins to cool for 5-10 minutes until the popping stops and you’ll have enough popcorn for 4!

It’s all happening at yours this summer

Click here to visit the summer hub page and discover some great ways you can enjoy the summer from the comfort of your own home.