Melting Belly of Pork with Potatoes and Onions
A great dish to impress your guests, this melting belly of pork with potatoes and onions makes for a crispy but succulent recipe that has real mouthwatering appeal. Perfect when having close family and friends over for tea.
Cook Time
1.5 - 2 hours
1 kg rindless pork belly cut into 4 ‘chops’
2 tablespoon plain flour
1 tablespoon dry English Mustard powder
15g unsalted butter plus extra for dotting the surface
1 tablespoon vegetable oil plus extra for greasing
3 large potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
2 onions, peeled and thinly sliced
1 teaspoon sage, finely chopped
300ml chicken stock
100ml milk
Salt and ground black pepper
Combine the flour with the mustard, salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4.
Lightly dust the flour, mustard, salt & pepper you have just combined over the chops shaking off any excess.
Heat the butter and oil to medium, pan-fry the chops for 1 minute on each side until golden, remove and set aside.
Put a double layer of foil over a roasting tray or baking dish with enough of an overlap to enclose the chops. Push the foil into the shape of the dish and lightly oil.
Place half the onions and potatoes over the base, sprinkle with salt, pepper and half the sage, top with the pork chops followed by the sage followed by the onions. This time, arrange the potatoes in neat overlapping rows, pour over the milk and stock and then dot the potatoes with a little butter. Bring the sides of the foil together and seal.
Place the tray in the oven and cook for 1 ½ hours before folding back the foil to allow the potatoes to brown, about an extra ½ hour. Serve with a green vegetable.