What you need:

  • Bacofoil® Original Foil
  • Needle
  • Glass Jars
  • If necessary, tape
  • real or battery-powered tea light

Here’s how it works:

Simply cut a piece of foil so that it fits perfectly into a glass jar of your choice, rolled up, without overlapping the two ends.

When everything is properly adjusted, remove it from the glass and decorate the foil with a needle or another pointed object of your choice.

Choose a dotted pattern according to your taste. Simply let your creativity run wild, or use our constellation templates to help you – Click here to download them

Once the pattern is finished, place the foil back into the glass. To ensure it doesn’t slip, you can attach the foil at the top of the glass edge with a bit of tape.

Last but not least, a tea light , whether real or battery-powered will provide the atmospheric lighting. The Foil Lanterns can be used for cosy garden parties as night lamps again and again.